Classroom Stream Introduction

The Stream contains all posts in chronological order from newest to oldest.

Posting to the Stream: Click on "share something with your class" on the stream page to add something to the stream. You can create an announcement, assignment, question or reuse a post.

For section: In the For select the class on which the post will be visible and also select "all students" or mention name of students if it is needed to share the post with selected audience.

Then write the material related to post in text box below

Add button is for adding attachments. Currently there are 4 options available for attachment. Drive document, URL, file upload from local system or sharing a video from YouTube.

After filling all the details click on post button to share the post with class.

Upcoming window:

The upcoming window on the left side under the theme shows the notifications related to upcoming events/class works.

For details of all the events click on "view all"

Commenting to posts:

Click on "add class comment" under any post and write any comment.